Tuesday, July 4, 2017


新舊客戶成功開戶 可享高達港幣八百元回贈及額外積分





高達HK$500新客戶獎賞優惠之條款及細則 (「回贈優惠」
1本活動之推廣期為201775日至2017831日(包括首尾兩日)。2回贈優惠只適用於推廣期內成功申請及提取日本網絡通財務有限公司私人貸款,且於申請當日並未持有任何由日本網絡通財務有限公司所提供之私人貸款之新客戶 (「合資格客戶」)3獲享之現金回贈金額將於第三期還款或以後直接存入客戶之銀行戶口。銀行可能會收取手續費,有關之手續費將會於現金回贈中直接扣除。4回贈優惠的積分不可兌換現金。5合資格客戶需保持其日本網絡通財務有限公司私人貸款戶口狀況良好,並無逾期還款或提早還款,否則回贈優惠將被取消。6此優惠不能與其他推廣優惠同時使用。7日本網絡通財務有限公司保留修改此條款及細則之權利而毋須預先另行通知。8如有任何爭議,日本網絡通財務有限公司保留最終決定權。9所有條款及細則之中、英文版如有歧異,一概以英文版為準。
Terms and Conditions of $500 Cash Rebate Offer for new customer (“Rebate Offer”)
1The Rebate Offer promotion period is from July 5, 2017 to August 31, 2017, both dates inclusive.2The Rebate Offer is only applicable to new customers (“Eligible Customer”) who successfully apply and draw down a personal loan during the promotion period. Customers who hold any personal loan account offered by Finance One Limited at the time of application are not eligible.3The entitled cash rebate will be directly credited to the customer’s bank account on or after customer’s third repayment. Bank may charge a handling fee and the related handling fee will be deducted directly from the cash rebate.4The point reward from the Rebate Offer cannot be redeemed for cash.5Rebate Offer Eligible Customer’s personal loan account must be valid and in good condition without late payment or early payment, otherwise Finance One Limited reserves the right to forfeit the eligibility of a Rebate Offer Eligible Customer to participate in this promotion.6The Rebate Offer cannot be used in conjunction with any other promotional offers.7Finance One Limited reserves the right to amend these Terms and Conditions at any time without prior notice.8In case of disputes, the decision of Finance One Limited shall be final and conclusive.9In the event of discrepancy or inconsistency between this English version of the terms and conditions and the Chinese version, the English version shall prevail.


高達HK$800舊客戶獎賞優惠之條款及細則 (「回贈優惠」
1回贈優惠推廣期為201775日至2017831日(包括首尾兩日)。2回贈優惠只適用於推廣期內成功申請及提取日本網絡通財務有限公司貸款額為港幣一萬元或以上之私人貸款,且於申請當日並未持有任何由日本網絡通財務有限公司所提供之私人貸款之舊客戶 (「合資格客戶」)3獲享之現金回贈金額將於第三期還款或以後直接存入客戶之銀行戶口。銀行可能會收取手續費,有關之手續費將會於現金回贈中直接扣除。4回贈優惠的積分不可兌換現金。5合資格客戶需保持其日本網絡通財務有限公司私人貸款戶口狀況良好,並無逾期還款或提早還款,否則夏日優惠將被取消。6此優惠不能與其他推廣優惠同時使用。7日本網絡通財務有限公司保留修改此條款及細則之權利而毋須預先另行通知。8如有任何爭議,日本網絡通財務有限公司保留最終決定權。9所有條款及細則之中、英文版如有歧異,一概以英文版為準。
Terms and Conditions of $800 Cash Rebate Offer for former customers (“Rebate Offer”)
1The Rebate Offer promotion period is from July 5, 2017 to August 31, 2017, both dates inclusive.2The Rebate Offer is only applicable to former customers (“Eligible Customer”) who successfully apply and draw down a personal loan with loan amount HKD$10000 or above during the promotion period. Customers who hold any personal loan account offered by Finance One Limited at the time of application are not eligible. 3The entitled cash rebate will be directly credited to the customer’s bank account on or after customer’s third repayment. Bank may charge a handling fee and the related handling fee will be deducted directly from the cash rebate.4The point reward from the Rebate Offer cannot be redeemed for cash.5Rebate Offer Eligible Customer’s personal loan account must be valid and in good condition without late payment or early payment, otherwise Finance One Limited reserves the right to forfeit the eligibility of a Rebate Offer Eligible Customer to participate in this promotion.6The Rebate Offer cannot be used in conjunction with any other promotional offers.7Finance One Limited reserves the right to amend these Terms and Conditions at any time without prior notice.8In case of disputes, the decision of Finance One Limited shall be final and conclusive.9In the event of discrepancy or inconsistency between this English version of the terms and conditions and the Chinese version, the English version shall prevail.

忠告:借錢梗要還 咪比錢中介
Warning: You have to repay your loans. Don't pay any intermediaries
Complaint Hotline: 3798-8058